Everyone Is Not Your Friend

You will go up through cycles of ups and downs. A thought, memory, smell, holiday or for no reason at all. When you get into a funk, you need 1 or 2 safe people to call.

Everyone is NOT your friend. If they haven’t gone through what your going through, they will not understand.

People like to gossip and take sides. If they have been through a divorce they will think it parallels their divorce. And take the side which they identify with.

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When you feel down/depressed

Are you depressed? If you aren’t working and no children to care for then you just sit around in your pjs day and night. Trying to take care of a few things so you feel some what productive. Or maybe there is a call you need to make so you do that. If there are children or a job you do what you must and crash the rest of the night or weekends. You prefer to stay in bed all day of watching old movies and sleeping. What do you do?

Yes there is a depression that you may need to see your doctor for help and get counsel for. My Christian counselors were a tremendous help in those many months I cried and struggled through one day at a time. It can take months or a year to get over a loss of a loved one, a divorce, or any great life change.

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When All Seems Lost

When it seems All who were most important to you have turned against you, what do you do?
You quickly find out who your real friends are, including family.

You are starting over. Who is in your village?

Who really cares about you? Who Believes the best about you instead of the worst.
Who, even in a smear campaign, knows that is not you? Who knows your real heart and character and won’t allow lies to question who you are because they know you at your core. They know your heart and see your soul.

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