Why am I so Tired

Preparing taxes, Feb.?
Finishing up a Divorce, hopefully the end of Feb.
Preparing for a Pageant Ms. Senior Arizona, the end of March.
Teaching at a Santa conference in Denver, the middle of April.
Fundraising for a mission trip to China. If successful Go to China the end of April.
Paper piles, book piles, to sort and decide what to do with them.
Make slides and record videos for an online course for “Becoming Mrs. Claus”.


Listening to books on Audible, CDs on growing closer to God as my father and growing in my walk with my Lord.
taking notes, and writing a book.

Add in Laundry, errands, Exercise – bike riding and the gym.
Square dancing, Theater club, RV club, Spanish club…
Running a Mrs. Claus Facebook page with over 576 ladies on it. Including a Mrs. Claus of the month, each month.
I think I need to cut back on a few things, LOL.
Oh yes, I need to sew a change bag that I promised to a young magician. I have a few hobbies that are on the side burner, photography, crocheting, etc.

How does one decide?

First I start by deadlines, keeping running in the background things like fundraisers etc.
Making list to keep things in order and prioritize.
Praying for clarity and insight.
Nite all!

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